Week of 3/18 - USAU number

We will not be having practice Monday 3/19 but will likely resume outside at memorial Tuesday.

Please submit your USAU number via the form linked below. You will need this for our first game the first week in April.

USAU Numbers
Please fill out the form below with the following information so coaches can add you to the team roster. A USAU number is needed to play in league games and state.

The link below will give you instructions on how to get a membership. All players need a "Youth" membership.

USAU Membership
What is USAU? USAU stands for USA Ultimate, and is the National Governing body for the sport of Ultimate. It is a non-profit that regulates and gives structure to the sport in America. They ensure games, teams, and coaches are correctly playing the game. They offer clinics for coaches and

If you have any issues with the cost or have any questions please let use know at madisonmeorialultimate@gmail.com

Thanks, Coach John